Want to Play Learn the Erhu the Proper Way?

Want to Play Learn the Erhu the Proper Way?

start Your erhu Musical Journey here!

Master the Art of Playing the Erhu with a

structured approach and a support system

learn your first tune in a week

What is the LearnErhu Experience?

1) Systematic Tutorials + 2) Zoom Sessions

3) Great Support and Community!

Are you ready to embark on an incredible musical journey?
Then allow me to introduce you to the Learn Erhu Experience,

where passion meets expertise.

Hi there, I'm Sung Wah from Eason Music, and I've been playing the Erhu for over 35 years and have sold thousands of Erhus overseas all over the world. Today, I'm thrilled to invite you to join our exclusive community and unlock the secrets of this mesmerizing instrument.

Let me walk you through the amazing adventure that awaits you:

  • First and foremost, you'll receive your very own black Rosewood Erhu by Liu Ji Feng,
    ensuring you have an instrument that produces beautiful, resonant sounds. Say goodbye to frustrations caused by poor-quality instruments.

  • Next, get ready for a personalized 1-on-1 Erhu onboarding ZOOM session.
    I will guide you, ensuring your Erhu is set up perfectly. No more doubts about your sound quality—just pure confidence in your playing.

  • Once you're all set up, you'll gain access to our exclusive membership area.
    Dive into our meticulously crafted instructional videos, designed to take you from a beginner to a skilled Erhu player. No music background or prior instrument experience required!

  • As you progress, it's time for some serious fun! Explore our Tunes Treasure Vault,
    where you'll discover an array of delightful tunes, each with varying levels of difficulty. Learn at your own pace and keep your journey engaging and enjoyable.

  • But what if you encounter challenges along the way?
    Fear not! Our weekly Zoom sessions are here to support you. Join me and fellow learners as we address your concerns and provide guidance. It's an opportunity to learn from others' experiences and grow together.

  • Last but not least, no more feeling alone on this musical voyage.
    Become a part of our private Erhu community, a vibrant space where Erhu enthusiasts from around the world come together to motivate, inspire, and celebrate their progress. Together, we'll create unforgettable musical connections.

Imagine the joy of bringing your Erhu to jam sessions, parties, or family gatherings—captivating everyone with your unique tunes. Picture the satisfaction of mastering your favorite melodies and truly impressing those around you.

So, are you ready to embark on this extraordinary musical journey?

Why We Came Up With Learn Erhu Experience:

here is everything you will get in order to make that happen:

  • Free Black Rosewood Erhu (Inclusive of shipping and CITES) is provided to you, which is guaranteed to play and sound good, to make your learning journey more enjoyable and successful (or choose a S$350 webstore voucher) ($550 Value)

  • One on One Erhu Onboarding ZOOM Session to ensure that the your erhu is set up properly for playing, which will remove any doubts of where it is your or the instrument... ($200 Value)

  • Access to MEMBERSHIP area where you can watch structured instructional videos that teach you how to play step by step, to help you learn more effectively and at your own pace ($2,000 Value)

  • Weekly Zoom Meetings during which you can submit any problems you faced and have them addressed by the main instructor, which can help you overcome any challenges you may face during the learning journey ($1,500 Value)

  • Erhu Campfire Community where erhu enthusiasts from all over the world come together to make music, celebrate, and encourage each other in a fun and friendly environment, to help you stay motivated and inspired ($300 Value)

  • Tunes Treasure Vault featuring an ever-growing throve of fun songs to learn with varying levels of difficulty, to keep your learning varied and engaging

    ($1000 Value)

  • ​Direct Feedback Channel to the LearnErhu Experience team to ask whatever questions you have along the way, at anytime, to help address any questions or concerns you have in a timely manner ($500 Value)

  • Pick your favourite tune you want to learn, and the LearnErhu Experience team will work out the score, fingerings, and make a video tutorial on how to play that tune, so that you can finally play the tune you always wanted to ($500 Value)

  • Free Rosewood Erhu is provided to you, which is guaranteed to play and sound good, to make your learning journey more enjoyable and successful (or choose a S$350 webstore voucher) ($390 Value)

  • Erhu Campfire Community where erhu enthusiasts from all over the world come together to make music, celebrate, and encourage each other in a fun and friendly environment, to help you stay motivated and inspired ($300 Value)

  • One-On-One Erhu Onboarding ZOOM Session to ensure that the your erhu is set up properly for playing, which will remove any doubts of where it is your or the instrument... ($200 Value)

  • Tunes Treasure Vault featuring an ever-growing throve of fun songs to learn with varying levels of difficulty, to keep your learning varied and engaging ($1,000 Value)

  • Access to MEMBERSHIP Area where you can watch structured instructional videos that teach you how to play step by step, to help you learn more effectively and at your own pace ($2,000 Value)

  • Direct Feedback Channel to the learnerhu team to ask whatever questions you have along the way, at anytime, to help you address any questions or concerns you have in a timely manner ($500 Value)

  • ​Weekly Zoom Meetings during which you can submit any problems you faced and have them addressed by the main instructor, to help you overcome any challenges you may face during their learning journey ($2000 Value)

  • Pick your favourite tune you want to learn, and the LearnErhu Experience team will work out the score, fingerings, and make a video tutorial on how to play that tune, so that you can finally play the tune you always wanted to ($500 Value)

total value: $6,550

for a one-time investment of only


the learn erhu


will literally show you what you need to know to play your first tune in a week...

Our team wanted to make this available to you in the Most FUN AND ENGAGING Training we could offer, from tunes, to video presentations, to instrument support... We have covered the basics so your learning process is as clear and stress-free as possible...

Hear What Our Growing Community Has To Say!

Lina Nguyen, Canada

I have been a part of the Learn Erhu Experience for about a month now. Thus far, the feedback has been invaluable for me, both at the biweekly zoom meetings and on the forum. By applying the feedback to my practice, my playing has become less sloppy, and more defined. I recommend the Learn Erhu Experience to erhu learners who a) are in need of constructive criticism badly, b) are in search of erhu music sheets + song demonstrations and/or c) have found the journey too hard to walk alone.

Rick Rampersad, United States

I am very happy with the structure, layout, platform interface and the human X factor behind Learn Erhu Experience. It seems to me the platform has prodigious aptitude to connect with musicians of the world in a real and genuine way. This I think is an elemental component of the life force of Learn Erhu.

The structure and layout provides a good foundation to build upon. Think of a pyramid - the flat foundation is strong with Learn Erhu. Once I over come the mechanical challenges and my mind shifts perspective to see other things. I would have more to say mauve. The Video zoom sessions has potential for great things however this is contingent upon earnest participation. This will happen as students develop.

The Learn Erhu Experience taught me almost everything I know about Erhu. My Erhu journey began with Eason Music.

The Learn Erhu Experience

REALLY...Learn how to play the Erhu the Properly


The ‘Preparation’ Stage To Start You Off on the Right Footing

  • Get your hands on a free rosewood erhu that is guaranteed to sound good

  • And have your current Erhu checked out to see if it is setup in correctly!


The “Learning" Stage to Master the Erhu at Your Own Pace

  • Take a chill pill and watch instructional videos at your own pace in the membership area - finally, a learning experience that doesn't rush you like your last relationship!


The “Feedback” Stage To Correct Your Problems or Get Unstuck

  • Spice up your weekly routine and attend Zoom meetings to share your problems and challenges with the main instructor - let's face it, who else is going to listen to your rants about erhu?


The “Marathon” Stage To Keep You Fire Burning

  • Join a VIP group of erhu enthusiasts from all over the globe, and access an ever-growing vault of video tutorials - you'll never be lonely or bored again! Plus, ask questions anytime to the LearnErhu.com team - because sometimes even Google doesn't know everything.

$6,890 Value


The ‘Preparation’ Stage To Start You Off on the Right Footing

  • Get your hands on a free black rosewood erhu that is guaranteed to sound good

  • And have your current Erhu checked out to see if it is setup in correctly!


The “Learning" Stage to Master the Erhu at Your Own Pace

  • Take a chill pill and watch instructional videos at your own pace in the membership area - finally, a learning experience that doesn't rush you like your last relationship!


The “Feedback” Stage To Correct Your Problems or Get Unstuck

  • Spice up your weekly routine and attend Zoom meetings to share your problems and challenges with the main instructor - let's face it, who else is going to listen to your rants about erhu?


The “Marathon” Stage To Keep You Fire Burning

  • Join a VIP group of erhu enthusiasts from all over the globe, and access an ever-growing vault of video tutorials - you'll never be lonely or bored again! Plus, ask questions anytime to the LearnErhu Experience team - because sometimes even Google doesn't know everything.

$6,890 Value

1 on 1 Live Erhu Instrument Onboarding

So That You Don't Wonder if Its You Or Your Instrument

$200 Value

Fast Track to Getting Results

This Is the Fast Track to Getting Progress By Following Our Step By Step Instructions on How to Play the Erhu

$2,000 Value

Erhu Campfire for Erhu Enthusiasts

So that you have a community of Erhu players to motivate and encourage you through your journey

$300 Value

Regular Zoom Meetups

Mainly to help you get unstucked, work on Techniques and for Open Mic

$2,000 Value

Ever-Growing Tunes Vault

So you will always have tunes of different difficulty to keep your learning engaging and fun

$1,000 Value

1-on-1 Live Erhu Instrument Onboarding

So That You Don't Wonder if Its You Or Your Instrument

$200 Value

Fast Track to Getting Results

This Is the Fast Track to Getting Progress By Following Our Step By Step Instructions on How to Play the Erhu

$2,000 Value

Erhu Campfire for Erhu Enthusiasts

So that you have a community of Erhu players to motivate and encourage you through your journey

$300 Value

Your Favourite Tune Deconstructed, Scored and Explained...

So That You Can Download The Score, Watch The Video, Follow, and Play!

$500 Value

Regular Zoom Meetups

Mainly to help you get unstucked, work on Techniques and for Open Mic!

$2,000 Value

Ever-Growing Tunes Vault

So you will always have tunes of different difficulty to keep your learning engaging and fun!

$500 Value

Free Erhu (OR $350 gift voucher)

So that you can have an Erhu that is guaranteed to work....from yours truly

$390 Value

Your Favourite Tune Deconstructed, Scored and Explained...

So That You Can Download The Score, Watch The Video, Follow, and Play!

$500 Value

Free Erhu (or $350 webstore voucher)

So that you can have an Erhu that is guaranteed to work....from yours truly

$390 Value

total value:


for aN investment of only


still have questions?

Q: Sung wah... The LearnErhu Experience sounds awesome but I am concerned it won’t work for me because do not have any music background...

We understand your concern about not having any music background, but we want to assure you that our course is designed for absolute beginners with no prior knowledge of music.

Our instructional videos are structured step-by-step, starting from the basics, so that you can learn at your own pace. Our weekly Zoom meetings also give you the opportunity to ask any questions and receive guidance from our main instructor, who is experienced in teaching beginners.

Q: I don’t have an Erhu yet, will it work?

As part of the program, we provide all our learners with a free black rosewood Erhu that is guaranteed to play and sound good, making your learning journey enjoyable and successful.

Additionally, we offer a one-on-one onboarding Zoom session to ensure that your Erhu is set up properly for playing. This can help you play more easily and with better sound quality.

Q: What if I did all the videos, exercises, zoom sessions and I still cannot play a single thing?

If you continue showing up and doing the exercises, one day you will start to hear the difference in the tone that you produced.

Different people have different points where this will happen so all you need is patience and not give up!

Q: I don't have anyone I know or around me playing the Erhu. I will lose motivation quickly and give up...

Our exclusive group of Erhu enthusiasts from around the world is a supportive community that will keep you inspired and encouraged. You will be able to connect with like-minded individuals who share the same passion for the Erhu, exchange ideas, and share your progress with others.

Additionally, our weekly Zoom meetings provide an opportunity for you to submit any problems or challenges you face during your learning journey and receive guidance from our main instructor, who has years of experience teaching students of all levels.

Q: Not sure I can afford the money or time for this

As Einstein famously said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

If you've been wanting to learn a new skill or have a passion for music, but haven't taken any action, then perhaps it's time to consider a different plan of action.

Think about what you could gain from learning the erhu - a new hobby, a sense of achievement, and the ability to express yourself through music. These are invaluable benefits that can improve your overall well-being and bring positivity into your life.

I encourage you to take the first step towards a new and exciting journey by joining our community of learners. We are here to support you every step of the way, and I believe that investing in yourself and your passions is always worth it.

The LearnErhu Experience by Eason Music